In the News

September 27, 2022


El gobernador Gavin Newsom firmó el viernes una ley que simplificará las reglas para que los vendedores ambulantes obtengan permisos de salud, relajando las barreras burocráticas para los propietarios de puestos de tacos y carritos de frutas.

September 26, 2022


El Gobernador de California, Gavin Newsom, firmó una nueva ley que simplificará las regulaciones a los vendedores ambulantes del estado. Entre ellas su permiso de venta.

El Proyecto de Ley 972, del cual es autora la senadora Lena González, hará más accesible los permisos a estos vendedores.

September 26, 2022

By Mona Holmes

On Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill to modernize state code and regulations surrounding street vending. Senate Bill 972 is a landmark law designed to make it easier for vendors to sell food on streets throughout the state. Long Beach state Sen. Lena Gonzalez authored SB 972, which is a massive update to the California Retail Food Code. The bill offers a more streamlined path to acquiring a permit and prohibits criminal penalties from health departments or law enforcement.

September 26, 2022

Por: Ricardo Roura

Con la firma de dos proyectos de ley, el gobernador Gavin Newsom aplicó un golpe certero contra el problema en que se ha convertido el robo de convertidores catalíticos en California, de acuerdo con un comunicado de su oficina.

September 25, 2022


LOS ÁNGELES, California.- Dos nuevas leyes en California regularán la compra y venta de los convertidores catalíticos. Los robos de la pieza ha aumentado en el estado desde la pandemia. El gobernador Newsom anunció las legislaciones este domingo y a continuación te las explicamos.

September 25, 2022


Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Sunday that he signed legislation to crack down on rampant vehicle catalytic converter theft by making it illegal for recyclers to buy the valuable car part from anyone other than the legal owner or a licensed dealer.

September 25, 2022

By Tori Gaines

Governor Gavin Newsom is taking a swing at the ‘big problem’ of catalytic converter theft by signing two bills into California law, according to a statement posted to Governor Newsom’s Twitter profile.

SB 1087, authored by California State Senator Lena Gonzalez, and AB 1740, authored by Assembly member Al Muratsuchi, require catalytic converter recyclers to keep detailed records and only allows for used catalytic converters to be sold by authorized parties.

September 24, 2022

BY Fernando Haro Garcia

Gov. Gavin Newsom on Friday signed into law a bill intended to decriminalize street vending by making it easier for the micro-entrepreneurs to secure permits and operate legally within the formal food economy.

September 23, 2022


After sitting on SB 972 for a couple of weeks, Governor Gavin Newsom has signed the bill that promises to greatly help all street food vending in California to become fully legal.

September 16, 2022


Gov. Gavin Newsom today signed a package of environmental bills including SB 1137, closely watched by communities in Southern California who live near the region’s extensive oil well fields. The new law prohibits new oil and gas wells, or major retrofitting of existing wells, within a new buffer zone of 3,200 feet between the wells and homes, schools, nursing homes and hospitals.

SB 1137 also requires companies to monitor leaks and emissions and install alarms.