Oil Windfall Profits Penalty, New Legislation Introduced



  • Oil Windfall Profits Penalty: The Senate Committee on Energy, Utilities and Communications held the First Extraordinary Session and Informational Hearing on the proposed Oil Windfall Profits Penalty on February 22, 2023. The hearing raised important questions on how to address the issues of high gas prices for California consumers. As a member of the committee, I had the opportunity to ask questions during the hearing, and at the end of the day, I found clear evidence, data, and transparency overall to be lacking in the explanations provided within the oil industry’s testimony.
  • To watch the full hearing, click here. For a short clip of my remarks during the hearing, click here. As new information becomes available and upcoming hearings are scheduled, I will be sure to share reports and updates. Should you have any questions, or would like to voice your opinion to the committee, you may contact the committee at (916) 651-4107 or visit the SEUC website here.
  • New Legislation Introduced: I am proud to report, that by the deadline of February 17th, my team and I successfully introduced numerous bills for 2023. Among them was legislation to:
    • ban Styrofoam containers and coolers at State parks and beaches
    • extend protected paid sick leave to seven days for all California workers
    • increase electric vehicle infrastructure access for low-income communities
    • improve air quality monitoring to protect the health of communities living near refineries
    • prevent utility shutoffs during extreme weather events
    • prohibit the two largest State pension funds from investing in fossil fuels by 2030
  • To learn more about each of the bills mentioned above, and more, visit my 2023 legislation webpage here