
I hear you. I am with you.


Dear Neighbor,

Over the past few days we have seen demonstrations unfold across our nation as a result of the unjust and tragic death of George Floyd. I am deeply saddened and outraged that systemic racism, implicit bias and discriminatory practices continue to allow the needless loss of innocent Black American lives year after year. This is not the first time we hear the vehement outcry of our entire country collectively mourning and denouncing this horrible injustice. Change is long overdue. We must take strong actions to stop history from repeating itself.  

To each and every person calling for the change we need, you have my support. If you are calling for an end to the inequities that permeate our societal structures—an end to housing discrimination, gentrification, lack of healthcare access, and lack of job access—you have my support. We must continue to work alongside each other toward a future of greater opportunity for all. I invite everyone to learn together from the events that have transpired and to work meaningfully toward the advancements that will provide equitable access to all Californians regardless of race, color or ethnicity.

Thousands of activists have gathered peacefully over the last few days to take a powerful stance against injustice, and that is how we can make a difference, in unity, without causing harm to our fellow citizens. My sincerest appreciation goes out to those who have gathered in the aftermath of the demonstrations to help clean up our cities and local businesses.

I know we are a strong and resilient people and that in unity we will walk together toward the future we want to see. With this said, I encourage you to reach out to my office with any ideas or comments on the changes you want to see for your community and how we can achieve those goals. If you or someone you know needs help during these difficult times, please give us a call, and see the resource information below.

Information and Resources:

In community,

Lena Gonzalez
33rd Senate District

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Tips for staying safe during protests and civil unrest 

  • Make sure you have all the supplies you need to be prepared for a long day if you plan to be out a long time. You may consider the following list: plenty of water; face mask; sun protection; snacks; hand sanitizer; good walking shoes; a copy of emergency phone numbers and a card with necessary medical information that someone may need to know if you have a medical emergency.
  • Stay up to date with the news. Check the news frequently if possible so you can stay aware of your surroundings.
  • If you are concerned about the safety of the protest, make your way out calmly to go home. Look at traffic activity and search for alternate routes before you start driving to get home.

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What can I do if I was a victim of police brutality at a protest?

  • You must first make a report to the sheriff, police department or district attorney.
  • Next, if you need to escalate the matter you can file a complaint with the Attorney General’s office using the form at this link.
  • What information will I need?
    • Your contact information
    • The law enforcement agency or employee information
    • Specific description of the incident
    • Other remedies sought and copies of agency responses (for Attorney General complaint)

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What can I do if I was victim of a crime during and at the location of a protest?

Contact the California Victim Compensation Board. The California Victim Compensation Board (CalVCB) can help pay bills and expenses that result from violent crime. Victims of crime who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible for help. CalVCB Helpline: 1-800-777-9229 (Phone) | 1-866-902-8669 (Fax). For victim assistance in your area, find your local Victim Witness Assistance Center here.  Additional local resources for victims in Los Angeles County can also be found here.

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What will happen if my child was arrested during the protests?

If your child is arrested, a few different scenarios may take place. The police can:

  • Make a record of the arrest and let your child go home.
  • Send your child to an agency that will shelter, care for, or counsel your child.
  • Make your child come back to the police station. This is called being “cited back.”
  • Give you and your child a Notice to Appear. Read the notice and do what it says.
  • Put your child in juvenile hall (this is called “detention”). Your child can make at least 2 phone calls within 1 hour of being arrested. One call must be to a parent, guardian, relative, or boss. The other call must be to a lawyer.

If the police want to talk to your child about what happened, the police must tell your child about his or her legal rights (called “Miranda rights”), which are:

  • Your child has the right to remain silent.
  • Anything your child says will be used against him or her in court.
  • Your child has the right to a lawyer. If you or your child cannot pay for one, the court will appoint one.

Children who are 15-years-old or younger must be allowed to talk to a lawyer before they talk to the police or give up their Miranda rights.

Your child has the right to a lawyer who is effective and prepared. If you cannot pay for a lawyer, the court will get a lawyer for your child. If your child does not have a lawyer, talk to the public defender or another lawyer for advice.

To find the public defender in your county or find a lawyer, please visit the California Courts and Judicial Branch Website.  

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What can I do if my business property was damaged?

  • To help California business owners understand some of the key insurance issues relating to civil unrest, the Insurance Commissioner’s office created a factsheet that is intended to present a general overview of relevant insurance coverages and some important tips to consider. Although the information serves as an overview, policyholders are strongly encouraged to read the terms of the policy purchased, as terms and definitions can vary from one policy to another.

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FAQs on curfews


Is anyone exempt from the curfew? Yes. The countywide curfew does not apply to the following: voters and poll workers; peace officers; firefighters; National Guard or other military personnel deployed to the area; emergency medical services personnel; individuals traveling to and from work; individuals working on a public work of improvement construction project; credentialed media representatives involved in news gathering; people experiencing homelessness and without access to a viable shelter; and individuals seeking medical treatment.

Are sweeping services or other city services affected by this curfew? It depends on what city you live in. Please check with your local government authority to learn about city services and hours during this time.

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Emergency crisis help amidst protests

There is a PD advisory to only call if there is a life-threatening emergency in an effort to avoid burdening 911 phone lines. Here are other resources we can share to help in different emergency situations.

211 LA County:

211 LA County: Dial 2-1-1 within Los Angeles County 211 LA County is the hub for all types of health, human and social services in Los Angeles County, providing callers with information and referrals to the services that best meet their needs.

Mental health crisis:

  • FOR 24/7 HELP, PLEASE CALL LA County HELP LINE AT (800) 854-7771
  • The Department of Mental Health Help Line serves as the primary entry point for mental health services with the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health. Services provided by include: Mental health screening and assessment, referral to a service provider, crisis counseling, mobilizing field response teams, linkages to other resources.
  • The Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services (Health Department) website also has mental health resources.
  • Crisis Text Line: Text LA to 741741
    Connect with a trained crisis counselor to receive free crisis support via text message.
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline(800) 273-8255
    The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline connects you with a crisis center closest to your location. Your call will be answered confidentially by a trained crisis worker who will listen empathetically, work to ensure that you feel safe, and help identify options and information about mental health services in your area.
    • Disaster Distress Helpline(800) 985-5990
      The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Disaster Distress Helpline provides crisis counseling and support to people experiencing emotional distress related to natural or human-caused disasters.
    • Trevor Project Lifeline(800) 788-7386
      The TrevorLifeline provides support to LGBTQ youths and allies in crisis or in need of a safe and judgment-free place to talk.
    • Substance Abuse Service Helpline(844) 804-7500
      Operated by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, this hotline provides screening, resources and service referrals regarding substance use disorders.

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