The Sacramento Bee: Planned Parenthood rates lawmakers
As the year draws to a close, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California has come out with a new scorecard, rating lawmakers’ performance over the previous legislative session as a measure of percentages. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Democrats generally scored highly while Republicans did not. In the Senate, every Democrat scored a 100% with the exceptions of Sens. Melissa Hurtado (80%) and Bob Wieckowski (67%). Republican Sen. Andreas Borgeas scored a 25%, while every other Senate Republican got 0%. In the Assembly, on the Democratic side it was 100% all around, with the exceptions of Assemblymembers Jim Frazier (75%), Lorena Gonzalez (88%) and Cottie Petrie-Norris (75%). No Republican scored below a 17% (Assemblyman James Gallagher), while Assemblyman Devon Mathis scored the highest with a 75%.
“As access to abortion continues to come under attack like never before, including multiple cases before the U.S. Supreme Court, we applaud the 86 legislative champions who took repeated actions this year to increase access and affordability for sexual and reproductive health care, including abortion, across California. We are especially thankful for the legislative champions who authored our sponsored legislation this year, Assemblymembers David Chiu, Rebecca Bauer-Kahan, and Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, and Senator Gonzalez,” PPAC President Jodi Hicks said in a statement. “As we continue to work towards increased access and health equity, Californians expect policymakers to stand up, speak out, and take definitive action on Planned Parenthood’s priority issues, including additional investments and updated or expanded policies. We look forward to continuing to work with our legislative champions in the coming legislative session.”
View the scorecard for yourself by visiting here.