New Leadership, Climate Resilient Schools, Make a Plan to Vote

Have you heard the news? Senate President pro Tempore, Mike McGuire recently announced the Senate Democratic Leadership Team and committee membership assignments for the 2024 Legislative year. I am happy to share that I was appointed as the new Senate Majority Leader! I am deeply honored to serve in this role, and I look forward to the work ahead. 

The Capitol was buzzing on February 16th as the deadline to introduce new bills approached, and here’s the tea on the exciting legislative projects we’ve got cooking! First, I introduced the Climate Resilient Schools Act to better serve and safeguard our students and frontline communities most affected by the impacts of the climate crisis. Then, I helped launch the Opportunities for All Act alongside student advocates, serving as a co-author of this legislation. The bill aims to ensure equitable access to employment opportunities at California's public college campuses, regardless of students’ immigration status.

Are you ready to vote in the upcoming elections? The March 5, 2024 Presidential Primary Election and November 5, 2024 General Election are coming up quickly, so make sure you review all the resources and tools you need to make a plan to vote, whether you are voting in person or by mail. If you’re voting by mail, remember to use the “Where’s My Ballot” online tool to track and receive notifications on the status of your vote-by-mail ballot.

Lastly, with the 2024 tax season currently underway, Team Gonzalez is pleased to announce a FREE Tacos and Taxes event. You are cordially invited to enjoy delicious tacos while benefiting from professional guidance on your tax preparations, all completely free! 


Lena Gonzalez
33rd State Senate District

Opportunities for All Act

Climate Resilient Schools Act

LA Vote

Taco & Taxes