Aunque muchas ciudades a lo largo del estado han legalizado las ventas de los ambulantes, los vendedores de comida en las banquetas siguen operando en la informalidad porque la gran mayoría no han podido obtener sus permisos de salud.
Esta semana fue aprobado en el Comité de Salud Pública del Senado, el proyecto de ley SB 972 de la senadora demócrata de Long Beach, Lena González que propone cambios que resuelvan la compleja red de requisitos que dificultan la capacidad de los vendedores ambulantes para acceder a los permisos y comprar un carrito accesible y liviano, de poco peso.
Noticias de última hora: Los vendedores ambulantes de Los Ángeles celebran victoria después de viajar a la capital del estado el miércoles, para mostrar su apoyo a la aprobación del proyecto de ley 972 del Senado. Su último esfuerzo fue ayer, cuando los vendedores ambulantes de Los Ángeles y la organización California Street Vendors Campaign visitaron Sacramento para compartir testimonios durante la audiencia del Comité de Salud del Senado estatal.
Los Angeles street vendors celebrate victory after traveling to the state capital on Wednesday, to show their support for the passage of Senate Bill 972. Their latest effort came yesterday when street vendors from Los Angeles and the organization California Street Vendors Campaign visited Sacramento to share testimonies during the State Senate Health Committee hearing.
As the state and economy make the transition to cleaner energy sources to help reach a global goal of zero net emissions by mid-century to stop global warming, a growing number of institutions worldwide are choosing to divest trillions of dollars from fossil fuel companies. This is the ethically and financially responsible choice, and more union members in California are demanding divestment and standing up for climate justice.
In January, a coalition of nonprofits and activist groups—including Community Power Collective, Public Counsel, the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights, and others—launched the California Street Vendor campaign to demand an update to the food code. In early February, California Senator Lena Gonzalez introduced SB 972, which aims to create more specific rules for street vendors by introducing a new “compact mobile food facility” category to the code.
Three bills may fall victim to a new push for more oil drilling.
The shock to the global financial system from the Russia-Ukraine war isn’t only driving up the cost of gasoline in the U.S., but also raising the price of gas to heat homes, boosting inflation and potentially undermining climate change legislation in California as well as the state’s efforts to ramp down oil and gas production.
The pension giants would have to sell off more than $9 billion combined in assets by 2027.
California lawmakers have introduced a bill that would require the California Public Employees’ Retirement System and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System to divest all their fossil fuel assets, which are worth more than $9 billion combined, within five years.
Senate Bill 1173, introduced by Sen. Lena Gonzalez, D-Long Beach, and co-sponsored by Sen. Scott Wiener, D-San Francisco, would prohibit the $474.6 billion CalPERS and the $308.6 billion CalSTRS from making new investments or renewing existing investments in fossil fuel companies. The bill defines a fossil fuel company as one of the 200 largest publicly traded fossil fuel companies as established by carbon content in the companies’ proven oil, gas and coal reserves.
For the first time since a watchdog group awarded scores for environmental action, California received a near failing grade for its lack of progress on climate change.