End of Legislative Year Update
Dear neighbor,
On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 the California Legislature adjourned its two-year session, bringing a constitutionally mandated close to a historic and unprecedented legislative session. Despite facing a number of unique and extraordinary challenges, the Legislature continued to work throughout the year to serve the people of California. Legislation focused primarily on topics that would better address the immediate health and safety impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic and the subsequent economic repercussions. An on-time and balanced budget was passed in June and this month the Legislature concluded its work by sending over 400 bills to the Governor’s desk that will help our neighborhoods thrive in the face of this shared adversity.
As part of the legislative year, I continued to fight for the deployment of broadband infrastructure to close the digital divide through SB 1130 and passed SB 1255 through both houses to end discriminatory practices that allow insurance companies to deny life and disability income insurance policies to HIV positive Californians. Major proposals the Legislature passed, and I supported this year include:
- AB 3088 - Signed into law, this measure creates a set of temporary protections designed to prevent loss of housing caused by evictions and foreclosures due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. To learn more about these protections and other resources, please visit the Housing is Key website.
- SB 793 - Signed into law on August 28, 2020, to prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco and e-cigarettes in California to fight against youth tobacco use here in California. As a coauthor of this measure, I am proud this critical public health measure is now law and look forward to seeing its impact on the fight against youth tobacco use.
- AB 685 - This bill will require employers to notify employees of COVID-19 exposures at their worksites and to report outbreaks to health authorities to ensure worker safety.
- AB 1460- Signed into law, this measure requires the California State University (CSU), to provide courses in ethnic studies at each CSU campus and requires starting with students graduating in the 2024-25 academic year, the completion of at least one course in ethnic studies.
- AB 331 - This timely bill will finally require California students to complete a semester-long course in ethnic studies in order to graduate from high school.
- SB 1383 - This bill will expand the California Family Rights Act to allow employees to use unpaid job protected leave to care for a domestic partner, grandparent, grandchild, sibling, or parent-in-law who has a serious health condition such as COVID-19.
- SB 1447 - Signed into law, this measure provides a hiring tax credit for small businesses that have lost more than half of their gross income because of COVID-19. This tax credit is designed to help businesses with 100 employees or less retain their employees and keep their doors open.
As Governor Newsom begins reviewing pending measures, the Legislature will continue to work on behalf of the people of California. With dozens of active wildfires burning across the state, the widening COVID-19 public health crisis, and families and businesses struggling to make ends meet in a stressed economy, it is evident that there is still much work left to be done. Further, as the Chair of the Special Committee on Pandemic Emergency Response, I will continue to have oversight hearings and engage with various stakeholders, including the Governor’s administration to ensure our state is able to tackle and respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
In the coming months as we prepare for the next legislative cycle, my office will continue to fight to expand broadband in unserved areas to help bridge the digital divide; push for the expansion of affordable housing; advocate for struggling renters, homeowners, and small businesses; and pursue dialogue and community conversation on racial justice issues. I encourage you to reach out to my office with ideas or suggestions for policy or law changes that are important to you via my website or by calling my Capitol office at (916) 651-4033.
All my best,
Lena Gonzalez
33rd State Senate District