senate district 33 newsroom

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Press Telegram: Long Beach breaks ground for MacArthur Park Rehabilitation Project in Cambodia Town

The new park will include a walking trail with fitness equipment and community gathering spaces.

Press Telegram: Long Beach recognized National Gun Violence Awareness Day


Long Beach observed National Gun Violence Awareness Day on Friday, June 7. City leaders and community partners gathered at the Civic Center Plaza, and wore orange to raise awareness about gun violence.

Inside Climate News: California Communities Celebrate ‘Massive’ Victory as Oil Industry Drops Unpopular Referendum

By Liza Gross
Environmental justice communities across California rejoiced last week when the oil industry, at the eleventh hour, withdrew its controversial effort to overturn a historic law aimed at curbing the deadly effects of neighborhood oil drilling.

CalMatters: Controversial measure overturning oil well restrictions won’t be on California ballot

California’s oil industry withdrew its controversial ballot measure challenging a state law that imposes new restrictions on oil and gas wells within 3,200 feet of homes and schools.

Editorial: Shame on California lawmakers for killing fossil fuel divestment bill again

By The Times Editorial Board
California can’t be a climate leader if it continues to prop up harmful and reckless fossil fuel companies whose pollution threatens to consign future generations to an unlivable planet.

AP News: Law limiting new oil wells in California set to take effect after industry withdraws referendum

State Sen. Lena Gonzalez, a Democrat from Long Beach who authored the ban on new oil wells, said the law finally taking effect would mean cleaner air for her community, which includes her three sons...“This time, oil didn’t win, and this time our community won.”

Lake County Record Bee: Senate Bill 1182 ticks class scores up with clean energy plan


OAKLAND >> Given the extreme weather events of recent decades, schools must prepare future generations for a technological world everyone must navigate while requiring a safe environment to do so.

Parriva: Lena Gonzalez: ‘I can’t just pretend to play a role. We are here to listen and make a difference in people and communities.’

As a child, she played hide and go seek, enjoyed playing Nintendo or building treehouses. She dreamed of being an astronaut, traveling the world as a Globe-Trotter, and now she’s the most powerful woman in California politics.