senate district 33 newsroom

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Latin Times: Senator Gonzalez Introduces Legislation to Level the Field for Qualified Applicants

California Senator Lena Gonzalez (D-Long Beach) was joined by several community organizations and social justice advocates at Centro CHA in Long Beach as she announced the introduction of Senate Bill (SB) 1241, the Talent Equity for Competitive Hiring Act. 

SacObserver: New California Bill Aiming to Eliminate Racial and Other Biases in Hiring

On Friday, lawmakers in California introduced SB 1241 or the Talent Equity for Competitive Hiring (TECH) Act. The bill sets a new legal high bar against discrimination in hiring by writing clear guidelines for employers to follow that allow them to modernize their recruiting processes using technological tools that reduce bias, leading to a more diverse workforce.

La Opinión: Proyecto de ley SB 1241 intenta combatir la desigualdad de oportunidades de trabajo

La concejal de la ciudad de Long Beach, Mary Zendejas conoce de primera mano la desigualdad de oportunidades en el empleo.

California Globe: Two Senate Bills Target Chemicals Found in Firefighting Foam

Two bills that call for the partial banning and water testing of chemicals called perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were introduced to the Senate on Tuesday.

Sea News: Ports Leaders Focus on Improving Competitiveness to Mark California Ports Day

Port directors from across California marked California Ports Day on Wednesday by meeting with state policymakers, legislators, and administration officials to highlight the economic importance of the state’s 11 ports and issue a call to action to keep them competitive in a challenging environment. California ports are a critical link in the U.S. and international supply chain, are tied to more than 5 million jobs nationwide and generate an estimated $700 billion in annual revenue.

La Opinión: Senadora latina quiere acabar con discriminación de latinos en solicitudes de empleo

Long Beach, Calif. -- La senadora de Long Beach, Lena González presentará este viernes el proyecto de ley “Contratación Justa” en Sacramento que pretende acabar con la discriminación de los latinos y otras minorías a la hora de ser contratados.

ABC 7: Senator Gonzalez Proposes Bill to Help HIV-Positive Individuals

California lawmaker Lena Gonzalez proposed a new bill that would make it easier for HIV-positive individuals to secure life and disability-income insurance.

CBS LA: Senator Gonzalez Announces Bill to End Discrimination Against HIV-Positive Californians

A Long Beach lawmaker has announced the introduction of a bill aimed at preventing HIV discrimination.