E-Newsletter April 2021

Legislative Update
This legislative session, I have introduced bills on many important issues in our community. Get to know more about the bills I am working on as we fight toward an equitable future for all Senate District 33 residents and Californians.

COVID-19 Resources & Updates
With the American Rescue Plan signed into law on March 11th, 2021, a third round of stimulus checks has been underway, unemployment has been extended, child tax credits for families have expanded and financial relief for families who have lost a loved one and need help covering funeral expenses will be available this month. Vaccine eligibility has also expanded and will continue to expand this month, make sure you stay updated on this and other COVID-19 related information.

Community Announcement
On March 22nd, a new COVID-19 community vaccination center launched in the city of Bell to help ensure residents and workers from the Southeast Los Angeles (SELA) communities of Senate District 33 have equitable access to the vaccine. The vaccination center is located at the Bell Community Center 6250 Pine Ave, Bell, CA 90201. Appointments can be made at (323) 538-7802. Alternatively, via email at vaccine@cityofbell.org. We are proud to work with community leaders, organizations and partners who helped make this happen and who continue to advocate for equity and much needed resources throughout our district.