
Resource Corner

Heat & Summer Safety


Climate change is causing extreme heat to become more frequent, severe, and long-lasting. Learn how to prevent heat illness and find nearby cooling centers to help keep you and your loved ones safe this summer.

Summer heat waves can be dangerous, especially for young children, older adults, people with chronic diseases and disabilities, outdoor workers, people who are unhoused and those who are pregnant. It’s important to protect yourself and your loved ones by checking in on friends and family who may need assistance, monitoring weather forecasts, staying hydrated, limiting time in the heat and staying in or visiting cool spaces.

Follow these tips from the California Department of Public Health for staying cool during extreme heat:

Stay Cool (During the Hottest Times of the Day):

  • Those without air conditioning should visit a local cooling center or visit public locations such as a library or shopping mall.
  • Avoid physical exertion or exercising outdoors.
  • Wear lightweight, light colored, loose clothing, hats, sunglasses and sunscreen.

Stay Hydrated:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, even when not thirsty; drink low-sugar sports drinks (alternating with water) to help replace electrolytes lost if engaging in vigorous exercise.
  • Avoid sugary, alcoholic and energy drinks.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

Stay Connected:

  • Check in on those at high risk of heat-related illness including infants and young children; people 65 years of age or older; individuals with chronic illness, disabilities or who are pregnant.
  • Use a buddy system when working in the heat.

Stay Informed:

  • Check the local news for weather forecasts, extreme heat alerts, and cooling centers.
  • Look up the 7-day “HeatRisk” forecast to plan ahead and prepare for heat

More Resources: 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Preventing Heat-Related Illness

City of Long Beach - Cooling Center Locations 

Los Angeles County - Cooling Center Locations