“El éxito del Proyecto de Ley Senatorial 674 hoy es un hito prometedor y motivador para las comunidades cercadas”, dijo la Líder de la Mayoría González (D-Long Beach). “Este proyecto de ley establecerá un sistema estandarizado de monitoreo del aire que exige transparencia a las refinerías sobre los químicos tóxicos que liberan y garantiza que se implementen las mejores prácticas y tecnologías para prevenir los peligros de las refinerías que nuestras comunidades han soportado durante años. A medida que el proyecto de ley avanza hacia su etapa final, insto al gobernador Newsom a que lo promulgue para salvaguardar la salud y el bienestar de los californianos que han sido perjudicados por la contaminación de las refinerías durante demasiado tiempo”.
“The success of SB 674 today is a promising and motivating milestone for fenceline communities,” said Majority Leader Gonzalez (D-Long Beach). “This bill will establish a standardized air monitoring system that demands transparency from refineries about the toxic chemicals they release and ensure the best practices and technologies are in place to prevent the refinery dangers our communities have endured for years. As the bill moves to its final step, I urge Governor Newsom to sign it into law to safeguard the health and wellbeing of Californians who have been harmed by refinery pollution for far too long.”
"The climate and education bond measures, SB 867 and AB 247, signed today by Acting Governor McGuire, offer a bold opportunity to invest in California’s future."
"The 2024 state budget approved into law today is a balanced and future ready approach that was possible through early action and strong collaboration. It incorporates feedback from our communities and stakeholders to ensure our financial investments deliver on what matters most to Californians."
“With this proposed ballot measure we can crack down on property crime and fentanyl without reverting to policies that do more harm than good in our communities. We can protect our communities and at the same time prevent detrimental social and economic costs that worsen poverty and inequality."
“Our fenceline communities deserve clean air and a healthy future, and today’s victory with SB 674 marks a significant step forward,” said Majority Leader Gonzalez (D-Long Beach).
Sacramento, Calif. – On June 19, 2024, Majority Leader Gonzalez (D-Long Beach), teachers, workers, and climate advocates will rally at the Capitol in response to recently proposed