
Sen. Gonzalez's Legislation


2024 Legislative Package



  • SB 252 – The Fossil Fuel Divestment Act
    Did not advance out of committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 252 will prohibit the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) from investing in fossil fuel companies, and provide they divest any current holdings in these companies by 2031, with an additional 5-year off-ramp should the funds encounter specified market conditions.
    SB 252 Bill Language
    SB 252 Fact Sheet


  • SB 674 – The Refinery Pollution Reduction & Transparency Act
    Senate Bill (SB) 674 will create a statewide standard for the refinery fence-line monitoring program to ensure that adequate noxious pollutants are measured, and that best practices and technologies are deployed in order to better protect the health and wellbeing of the surrounding communities.
    SB 674 Bill Language
    SB 674 Fact Sheet


  • SB 934 – Clean Freight Infrastructure Deployment Team
    Held in committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 934 will create a Central Delivery Team at the California Energy Commission (CEC) and California Transportation Commission (CTC) to facilitate the build-out of freight zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure needed to meet our state climate goals and regulations.
    SB 934 Bill Language
    SB 934 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1182 – Climate Resilient Schools Act
    Requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools (Master Plan).
    SB 1182 Bill Language
    SB 1182 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1308 – Ozone Safe Air Cleaners 
    Did not advance out of committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 1308 would direct the California Air Resource Board (CARB) to update and adopt regulations that will reduce the allowable level of ozone emissions from air cleaners sold in California from 0.05 parts per million (ppm) to 0.005 ppm.
    SB 1308 Bill Language
    SB 1308 Fact Sheet 


  • SB 1425 – Long Beach Oil Cleanup Fund
    Signed Into Law
    Requires the state of California to save more each month to more adequately and responsibly reduce the State’s share of unfunded liability to plug and abandon the long-running oil extraction operations in the City of Long Beach.
    SB 1425 Bill Language
    SB 1425 Fact Sheet

Digital Inclusion, Tech Equity & Innovation

  • SB 1235 – Artificial Intelligence and Deepfake Study Initiative
    Did not advance out of committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 1235 will require a public institute of higher education to establish an Artificial Intelligence and Deepfake Working Group (Working Group) to study the risks, impacts, benefits, and legal implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and deepfakes.
    SB 1235 Bill Language
    SB 1235 Fact Sheet 



  • SB 1016 – Latino and Indigenous Health Disparities Reduction Act
    Signed Into Law
    Requires the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to collect and disaggregate anonymous demographic health data on the ancestry or ethnic origin of specified Latino, and Indigenous Peoples.
    SB 1016 Bill Language
    SB 1016 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1131 – Enhancing Family Planning Accessibility
    Signed Into Law
    Senate Bill (SB) 1131 would increase access to the Family Planning, Access, Care, and Treatment (Family PACT) Program by expanding the definition of who can certify a clinic to provide Family PACT services. In addition, it allows an affiliate primary care clinic to enroll multiple sites under one site certifier.
    SB 1131 Bill Language
    SB 1131 Fact Sheet

Public Safety

  • SB 1253 – Enhanced Firearm Safety Certifications Act
    Held in committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 1253 will require individuals who move to California with firearms to receive a Firearm Safety Certificate.
    SB 1253 Bill Language
    SB 1253 Fact Sheet 


Good Governance, Transparency & Accountability

  • SB 537 –Mexican Repatriation Memorial
    Signed Into Law
    SB 537 commemorates the approximately two million Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants who were illegally deported from the United States during the Great Depression.
    SB 537 Bill Language
    SB 537 Fact Sheet


  • SB 991 – LAUSD Office of Inspector General
    Signed Into Law
    Senate Bill (SB) 991 will establish the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) Office of Inspector General (OIG) permanently. By doing so, the OIG will have the authority to continue performing audits, investigations, and issuing subpoenas to prevent, detect, and deter fraud, waste, and abuse in the district’s various programs, contracts, and construction projects – a responsibility it has carried out for twenty-five years.
    SB 991 Bill Language
    SB 991 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1337 – Referendum Funding Transparency
    Senate Bill (SB) 1337 will provide California voters with additional transparency about the entities and corporations that fund referendum measures to overturn existing law.
    SB 1337 Bill Language
    SB 1337 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1376 – Local Contracting Transparency Act
    Held in committee
    Senate Bill (SB) 1376 would create a pilot program to implement and study best practices for transparency in public contracting by local governments.
    SB 1376 Bill Language
    SB 1376 Fact Sheet 



2023 Legislative Package


Environment & Transportation

  • AB 126 (SB 84) – Clean Transportation Program Reauthorization and Revitalization
    Signed into law
    Revitalizes and extends California’s existing Clean Transportation Program (CTP) by prioritizing equity and aligning the program with California’s current environmental and emissions targets.
    AB 126 (SB 84) Bill Language
    AB 126 (SB 84) Fact Sheet


  • SB 252 – The Fossil Fuel Divestment Act
    Two-year bill
    Prohibits the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers Retirement System (CalSTRS) from investing in fossil fuel companies, and provides they divest any current holdings in these companies by 2031, with an additional 5-year off-ramp should the funds encounter specified market conditions.
    SB 252 Bill Language
    SB 252 Fact Sheet


  • SB 378 – Foam-Free State Parks
    Held in committee
    Protects our scenic oceans, coastline, and recreational protected areas by prohibiting individuals from bringing expanded polystyrene (EPS) (“Styrofoam”) food containers and coolers onto State Beaches or into State Parks.
    SB 378 Bill Language 
    SB 378 Fact Sheet


  • SB 507 – The Equitable EVs Charging Act
    Held in committee
    Requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to quantify electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure needs for multiple underserved groups, including rural, low-income, and disadvantaged communities, and incorporate this information as part of their biennial statewide EV infrastructure assessments.
    SB 507 Bill Language 
    SB 507 Fact Sheet


  • SB 529 – Electric Vehicles for All Act
    Held in committee
    Expands electric vehicle access for low-income Californians by creating a dedicated grant program to deploy electric vehicle car-sharing programs at 100 public and low-income housing facilities in California.
    SB 529 Bill Language
    SB 529 Fact Sheet


  • SB 556 – The Oil & Gas Pollution Accountability Act
    Held in committee
    Protects children, pregnant people, the elderly, and other medically fragile Californians from the harms caused by the oil and gas industry and provides accountability for negative health impacts they caused.
    SB 556 Bill Language
    SB 556 Fact Sheet


  • SB 674 – The Refinery Air Pollution Transparency & Reduction Act
    Two-year bill
    Creates a statewide standard for the refinery fence-line monitoring program to ensure that adequate noxious pollutants are measured, and that best practices and technologies are deployed in order to better protect the health and wellbeing of the surrounding communities.
    SB 674 Bill Language 
    SB 674 Fact Sheet


  • SB 695 – The California State Highway Transparency Act
    Signed into law
    Requires the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) to collect, and make available to the public, historical data detailing roadway expansions of the state highway system (SHS) for the past ten years. Additionally, the bill requires Caltrans to report this data every year going forward. The data must include descriptions of lane miles added to the SHS, what purpose the miles serve, and features included in the project, such as complete streets and transit.
    SB 695 Bill Language
    SB 695 Fact Sheet


  • SJR 2 – The Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty
    Signed into law
    Senate Joint Resolution (SJR) 2 will add California to the list of governments calling on the global community to develop a treaty to phase out the use of fossil fuels. Specifically, SJR 2 will request the Federal Government to participate in the treaty drafting process.
    SJR 2 Language 
    SJR 2 Fact Sheet 


Economic Development, Women, Children & Working Families

  • SB 57 – Moratorium on Utility Shutoffs During Extreme Weather
    Held in committee
    Provides critical relief to California’s most vulnerable populations by prohibiting residential electric, natural gas, and water utility shutoffs for nonpayment during extreme weather events, when the temperature falls below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or rises above 95 degrees Fahrenheit over a 24-hour period.
    SB 57 Bill Language 
    SB 57 Fact Sheet


  • SB 616 – Paid Sick Days for All Working Californians
    Signed into law
    Increases the amount paid sick leave days an employer is required to provide an employee from three to five.
    SB 616 Bill Language 
    SB 616 Fact Sheet 


Good Governance, Transparency & Accountability

  • SB 458 – Local Government Contracting Transparency and Accountability
    Held in committee
    Adds requirements for local agencies to increase transparency and accountability in their public contracting and procurement processes.
    SB 458 Bill Language 
    SB 458 Fact Sheet


  • SB 498 – Preventing the Unlawful Sale of Alcohol to Minors
    Signed Into law
    Enhances the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control’s (ABC) ability to encourage and enforce voluntary compliance with current law relating to the sale of alcohol to a minor. Specifically, SB 498 will adjust administrative penalties as well as the fines for selling alcohol to a minor in order to increase their effectiveness and to strengthen their deterrent effect.
    SB 498 Bill Language
    SB 498 Fact Sheet


  • SB 769 – Fiscal and Financial Training
    Held in committee
    Requires local agency officials, such as city council members and other members of local agency legislative bodies, to complete fiscal and financial training on their duties and responsibilities in budgeting, contracting, procurement, and other critical fiscal obligations.
    SB 769 Bill Language
    SB 769 Fact Sheet

Health Access & Affordability

  • SB 435 - The Latino & Indigenous Disparities Reduction Act
    Requires specified state agencies to collect anonymous demographic data of Latinos and Indigenous Californians and requires the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to collect and tabulate data on important health-related outcomes to help address health inequities.
    SB 435 Bill Language
    SB 435 Fact Sheet 



  • SB 394 - Master Plan for Sustainable and Climate-Resilient Schools
    Requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to develop a Master Plan for Healthy, Sustainable, and Climate-Resilient Schools (Master Plan).
    SB 394 Bill Language 
    SB 394 Fact Sheet


  • SB 633 - California DREAM Loan Program Expansion
    Signed into law
    Provides public higher education institutions with the ability to repurpose unused DREAM Loan funds to award supplemental grants to California Dream Act grant-eligible students.
    SB 633 Bill Language 
    SB 633 Fact Sheet 



2022 Legislative Package


Digital Inclusion & Tech Equity

  • SB 1216 - Deepfake Working Group
    Signed into law
    Requires the Secretary of the Government Operations Agency (GovOps) to study the risks, impacts, and legal implications of digital deepfakes and the broader issues of digital content provenance. The bill also tasks the Secretary with developing a coordinated plan for how the public, industry, and government might be able to jointly address these threats.
    SB 1216 Bill Language
    SB 1216 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1325 - California Techquity Innovation Fund
    Held in committee
    Establishes the California Techquity Innovation Fund (CTIF), to be administered by the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GoBiz). The CTIF will fund grants and investments that advance equity in tech entrepreneurship in California, and support underserved, equity-forward entrepreneurs that have limited venture capital funding opportunities.
    SB 1325 Bill Language
    SB 1325 Fact Sheet


Environment & Transportation

  • SB 726 - Revitalizing the Clean Transportation Program
    Ordered to Inactive File
    Revitalizes the state’s Clean Transportation Program (CTP) by prioritizing equity and aligning the program with the state’s current environmental targets. The CTP generates millions annually to fund projects advancing thirteen different clean transportation goals, ranging from demonstration and deployment projects that optimize alternative fuels and vehicles, to alternative fuel infrastructure projects.
    SB 726 Bill Language 
    SB 726 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1087 - Catalytic Converter Theft Prevention
    Signed into law
    Aims to address the dramatic rise in catalytic converter theft in California’s communities by targeting black-market sales of detached catalytic converters. SB 1087 will limit who can legally purchase a detached catalytic converter, who can sell a catalytic converter to a core recycler (scrap metal recyclers), and close loopholes in existing law to bring transparency to the sale of detached catalytic converters.
    SB 1087 Bill Language
    SB 1087 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1104 - Office of Freight
    Held in committee
    Advances the economic vitality and long-term sustainability of the freight sector by creating an Office of Freight within the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (Go-BIZ) to serve as the coordinating entity on freight among key state agencies and stakeholders across the State.
    SB 1104 Bill Language
    SB 1104 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1121 - Transportation Needs Assessment
    Signed into law
    Requires the California Transportation Commission to provide a 10 year transportation needs assessment, compare that with an assessment of the available transportation revenues, and recommend ways to bridge the gap.
    SB 1121 Bill Language
    SB 1121 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1137 - Health Protection Zones for Frontline Communities
    Signed into law
    Protects the public health of California’s frontline communities by creating a minimum health and safety distance of 3,200-feet between sensitive receptors, such as a residence, school, childcare facility, playground, hospital, or nursing home and an oil and gas production well.
    SB 1137 Bill Language
    SB 1137 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1173 - Fossil Fuel Divestment
    Dead - Held in Asm. Public Employment and Retirement Committee
    Prohibits the California Public Employees Retirement System (CalPERS) and the California State Teachers’ Retirement System (CalSTRS) from investing in fossil fuel companies and requires that they divest any current investments by 2030.
    SB 1173 Bill Language
    SB 1173 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1233 - Eliminating Barriers to DMV Services
    Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to coordinate with relevant stakeholders to develop outreach strategies for Californians that have historically been underserviced by the DMV. The bill also requires the DMV to solicit requests for targeted outreach events from local community groups that represent underserviced populations.
    SB 1233 Bill Language
    SB 1233 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1251 - Zero Emission Vehicle Equity Ombudsperson
    Signed into law
    Creates an equity advocate position to facilitate the coordination across agencies as they advance the State’s Zero-Emission Vehicle (ZEV) goals, and ensure that State ZEV programs are equity centered and support underserved Californians.
    SB 1251 Bill Language
    SB 1251 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1382 - Clean Cars 4 All Equity Measures
    Signed into law 
    Advances the equitable deployment of zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) by giving a state tax exemption to vehicles bought and sold under the existing Clean Cars for All (CC4A) program, and by directing the state to develop protocols and metrics to address barriers currently preventing underserved Californians from participating in the CC4A program.
    SB 1382 Bill Language
    SB 1382 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1398 - Vehicles: Consumer Notices
    Signed into law 
    Increases consumer safety by requiring dealers and manufacturers that sell new passenger vehicles equipped with a semiautonomous driving assistance feature or provides any software update or vehicle upgrade that adds a semiautonomous driver assistance feature to give a clear description of the functions and limitations of those features. Further, SB 1398 prohibits a manufacturer or dealer from deceptively naming, referring to, or marketing these features.
    SB 1398 Bill Language
    SB 1398 Fact Sheet


Economic Development, Women, Children & Working Families

  • SB 452 - Establishment of the Immigration and Refugee Affairs Agency
    Held in Assembly Appropriations Committee
    Establishes a permanent governmental structure, the California Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency, tasked with addressing the needs of California’s immigrant and refugee population.
    SB 452 Bill Language
    SB 452 Fact Sheet


  • SB 972 - Enhancing Safety of Sidewalk Food Vending
    Signed into law
    Modernizes the California Retail Food Code (CRFC) to include sidewalk food vendors and bring thousands of micro-entrepreneurs into a more equitable and well-regulated food economy while enhancing critical health and food safety regulation.
    SB 972 Bill Language
    SB 972 Fact Sheet

Health Access & Affordability

  • SB 245 - The Abortion Accessibility Act
    Signed into law
    Requires all state-licensed health care service plans or disability insurance policies issued after 2022, to cover abortion services without a co-payment, deductible, or any type of cost-sharing requirement.
    SB 245 Bill Language
    SB 245 Fact Sheet


  • SB 1019 - Mental Health Services Access and Awareness
    Signed into law
    Addresses disparities in access to and awareness of mental health services for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.  SB 1019 will require Medi-Cal Managed Care Plans (MCP’s) to develop and implement culturally and linguistically relevant outreach to inform Medi-Cal members of their right to timely mental health services.
    SB 1019 Bill Language
    SB 1019 Fact Sheet



2021 Legislative Package


Digital Inclusion & Tech Equity

  • SB 4 – Broadband for All 
    Signed into law 
    Secures continuous funding and implements a number of critically needed reforms to the California Advanced Services Fund program administered by the California Public Utilities Commission to help close the digital divide and meet the connectivity needs of Californians.
    SB 4 Bill Language
    SB 4 Fact Sheet


  • SB 378 - Broadband Deployment Best Practices
    Signed into law 
    Promotes the deployment of broadband infrastructure and internet connectivity for all Californians by requiring local jurisdictions to allow fiber cables to be installed using cost-effective techniques.
    SB 378 Bill Language
    SB 378 Fact Sheet


Environment, Transportation, Air Quality & Clean Water

  • SB 342 - South Coast Air Quality Management District Board Environmental Justice Representation
    Two-year bill
    Empowers community involvement and promotes equity by adding two environmental justice representatives to the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) governing board.
    SB 342 Bill Language
    SB 342 Fact Sheet


  • SB 403 - Consolidation of At-Risk Water Districts
    Signed into law 
    Prevents water contamination and water system failures in disadvantaged communities throughout California by authorizing the State Water Resources Control Board to mandate the consolidation of a water system that is at-risk of failing.
    SB 403 Bill Language 
    SB 403 Fact Sheet


  • SB 635 - Cleaning California’s Roads
    Held in committee 
    Addresses the root problems causing the buildup of roadside litter and debris on California’s roadways by requiring the Department of Transportation (Caltrans), in collaboration with the Office of the Inspector General, to develop a comprehensive assessment on the state’s roadside cleanup activities. SB 635 will also require Caltrans to create an advisory board in coordination with state and local entities that will develop strategies to reach cleanup targets.
    SB 635 Bill Language
    SB 635 Fact Sheet


  • SB 671 – Clean Freight Corridor Assessment
    Signed into law 
    Requires the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to collaborate with relevant state agencies to develop a Clean Freight Corridor Assessment. The assessment will develop clean freight guidelines,
    considering alternative fueling infrastructure, road safety and congestion for onboarding cleaner emission freight vehicles for the five most polluting freight corridors in California. 
    SB 671 Bill Language
    SB 671 Fact Sheet 


  • SB 726 - Revitalizing the Clean Transportation Program
    Two-year bill
    Reauthorizes and revitalizes the state’s Clean Transportation Program (CTP) by prioritizing equity and aligning the program with the state’s current environmental targets. The CTP generates millions annually to fund projects advancing thirteen different clean transportation goals, ranging from demonstration and deployment projects that optimize alternative fuels and vehicles, to alternative fuel infrastructure projects.
    SB 726 Bill Language 
    SB 726 Fact Sheet


  • SB 776 - Safe and Affordable Drinking Water
    Signed into law 
    Enhances the State Water Resources Control Board’s ability to effectively and efficiently implement the Safe and Affordable Drinking Fund Program and other safe drinking water efforts.
    SB 776 Bill Language 
    SB 776 Fact Sheet


Economic Development, Women, Children & Working Families

  • SB 338 - Protecting Port Truck Drivers
    Signed into law
    Protects essential port drayage truck drivers from wage theft, employment misclassification, and other systemic business model structures that deny disability benefits, PPE, and other health and safety protections to workers.
    SB 338 Bill Language
    SB 338 Fact Sheet


  • SB 452 - Establishment of the Immigration and Refugee Affairs Agency
    Two-year bill
    Establishes a permanent governmental structure, the California Immigrant and Refugee Affairs Agency, tasked with addressing the needs of California’s immigrant and refugee population.
    SB 452 Bill Language
    SB 452 Fact Sheet


  • SB 606 - Workplace Safety Enforcement
    Signed into law
    Implements stronger enforcement measures for egregious and flagrant employer violations in order to keep workers safe as California continues to fight the spread of COVID-19. In addition, SB 606 protects workers from employer retaliation by establishing a rebuttable presumption of retaliation to ensure that workers feel safe to come forward and report unsafe working conditions. 
    SB 606 Bill Language
    SB 606 Fact Sheet

Health Access & Affordability

  • SB 245 - The Abortion Accessibility Act
    Two-year bill
    Requires all state-licensed health care service plans or disability insurance policies issued after 2022, to cover abortion services without a co-payment, deductible, or any type of cost-sharing requirement.
    SB 245 Bill Language
    SB 245 Fact Sheet


  • SB 283 - Strengthening the Equal Insurance HIV Act of 2020
    Signed into law
    Strengthens the Equal Insurance HIV Act of 2020 (Act) by clarifying and making technical changes to the provisions set forth in the Act, which prohibit an insurer from declining an insurance application or enrollment solely based on a positive HIV test.
    SB 283 Bill Language
    SB 283 Fact Sheet



2020 Legislative Package


  • SB 4: Broadband for All 
    Secures continuous funding and implements a number of critically needed reforms to the California Advanced Services Fund (CASF) program administered by the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to help close the digital divide and meet the connectivity needs of Californians.



  • SB 961: The Equal Insurance HIV Act
    Prohibits life and disability income insurance companies from denying coverage to HIV-positive individuals solely based on their HIV status.







  • SB 1136: Peace Officers: Recruitment of Women
    Creates, through the Commission of Police Officer Standards and Training (POST), a guidebook on best practices for police departments to recruit women and other groups currently under-represented in the police force.





  • SB 1364: TRUTH Act 2.0
    Provides due process protections to individuals held in California jails by clarifying and providing greater oversight over a local law enforcement agency’s cooperation with federal immigration authorities.